You can again fly your flag at the top of the flagpole.
In case you hadn't noticed, flags all over the country were at half staff for 30 days. Why you ask? Because that, apparently, is standard policy for the month-ish following the death of a president.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Pres. Ford (well, to be honest, I really don't know that much about him, so maybe I shouldn't say that), but 30 days of mourning, for a guy who was already in his 90's? Doesn't that seem a bit excessive? I could definitely understand if it were a sitting president who died, but I don't know about a former president - who was in office 30 years ago.
Call me insensitive, but it seems like a bit much to me.
In keeping with the flag theme... a "trivia question of the day"... Where is the flag never flown at half-staff? Leave me your guesses... I know of at least two answers - they will be posted in approximately a week.