at some of the things that matter to me. You've stumbled on my site of rambling - don't expect anything too exciting, unless you're interested in wading through the boring stuff too! Enjoy! By the way, I love flipflops and pedicured, polished toenails!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Goodbye '08, Hello '09.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The holidays tend to do this to me, and I'm struggling to find the balance between enjoying the reason we celebrate, and just wishing it were over so life would be back to normal, and I wouldn't feel quite so UN-normal.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
"The sun cannot compare to the glory of your love; There is no shadow in Your presence; No mortal man would dare to stand before your throne; Before the Holy One of heaven; It's only by your blood and it's only through your mercy; Lord I come.
I bring an offering of worship to my king; No one on Earth deserves the praises that I sing; Jesus may you recieve the honor that you're due; O Lord I bring an offering to you; I bring an offering to you."
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Projects
Thankfully I have a dad who has always told me I could do and be anything I want to too.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Great night
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Update on the snake...
Via comments and phone calls, the vote so far is:
3 votes against the snake
1 vote for the snake (with a fairly long phone call in support of it)
1 vote for a dog
Now for the most important vote of all, mine, I vote against the snake, and for a dog... in a few months. I'm not trying to house-train a dog during a Wisconsin winter! Eventually there will be a puppy here, along with a ton of pictures on the blog.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Two fun things I love about my family...
2) I love that last night, while picking out our Christmas tree and taking our annual Christmas card picture at the tree lot, we managed to have enough fun to make a scene and have everyone wondering what was going on. (We even got a decent picture out of it!) And then had some fun with our waiter at Applebee's - enough that he started taking cheap shots at us while bringing us our order. I'm sure if I tried to tell the story here, it wouldn't come across nearly as funny as it really was, so I won't try, but I'm thankful for those nights where we can just completely enjoy each other's company and senses of humor.
Christmas Tree Pictures!

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Fathers and Daughters
Then, when I was working at Pier 1 this afternoon, a younger dad came in with his daughter who looked to be about 5 years old. They were carrying a basket, filled with pink and purple ornaments. They were playing with the stocking stuffers, ringing jingle bells, and finding ideas for their tree. I approached them to see if they needed any help, and somehow the conversation turned to their "life situation." He told me how this was their first Christmas "on their own," as he put it, and were looking to find ornaments for a tree since they didn't have any anymore. I helped them find a few things they were looking for, but then couldn't stop watching from afar as they continued shopping. I realize that part of being a parent is doing these everyday things with your kids, but I couldn't help but see how much he loved this little girl, seemed to enjoy being in Pier 1 (as a 3o-ish year old guy, that isn't the usual reaction we get in our store), and was making this fun for his daughter. I just wish I could have watched longer.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Need a smile?
After taking about 20 pictures hoping to find one that would work for the card, I was definitely having one of those "Wow, every picture of me looks like crap," days. And those kinds of thoughts tend to start to spiral fast. In the process of runn
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
21 days
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
What's your favorite late night snack?
I got to enjoy some myself the past few days, thanks to an order from Matt big enough to give me leftovers for a couple nights! (*Update: I realize how gross this may look in the picture. Trust me, they're wonderful.)
Thanks Brother! Love you!
Monday, December 01, 2008
1) Text message I got from my dad tonight that made me laugh out-loud: "I feel like a champion triathlete, I just completed the xword, sudoko and the kakuro!" Love that!
2) The cost of buying all items in The Twelve Days of Christmas this year: $86,609. Up 10.9% from last year. One question... how do you determine the cost of "Lords-a-leaping"? Ok, maybe this one was insignificant.
3) Looking for a little advice/accountability on this one. I'm having a rough time holding grudges lately. There are a few people in my life I feel like I need to have a real heart-to-heart with. And that's definitely a tough thing for me to do...
4) Lonely seems to be a very real feeling for me lately. And it's a bummer.