Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Rock-ster

I made myself a fall to-do list, and one item was to actually carve a pumpkin this Halloween. It's been several years since I've done this, and decided I needed a little bit of the nostalgic, traditional October stuff this year. Don't get me wrong, my life right now is really too busy to devote a night to cutting up a pumpkin, but I'm working on this whole "hurry" thing, and gave myself a break tonight.

Check out the finished product.... if you've ever visited the L's house, you'll recognize this little face.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The fact that I've been absent from here (and it hasn't been for lack of things going on or opinions to voice) should tell you a little about why this quote rings so true for me tonight.

"We need to ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives."

Amen sister (or more accurately, brother).

Need to go let that one sink in a little.

Hopefully you'll see me around here soon.