I've always wondered if these "blogs" were just boring people trying to make their life sound a little more interesting, and that is definitely what I feel like today!
To make this a little more fun, here is the list of things I like, and don't, lately... enjoy!
LIKE - getting home from work at 6:00 and having the sun still shining
don't - getting home from work at 6:00 (or later)
LIKE - big tax refunds
don't - getting them two days too late
LIKE - waking up in the morning before the alarm (either because I haven't had to set one, or because of getting a great night's sleep)
don't - never getting to wake up before the alarm
LIKE - all the women in my small group (and the old, bigger one!) - You girls are great! Sheboygan wouldn't be half as fun without you!
don't - that we picked 1 Timothy to study this month - hopefully that will get better as we get to talk through some of the wierd stuff Paul has going on... I'm sure there will be more on that in posts to come
LIKE - fun, out of the ordinary weekends like this past one... including a shopping trip to Green Bay on Saturday with Tracy, and checking out Cedarburg with mom and dad on Sunday
don't - fasting... but doing it for a good reason (which is really the only way I would do it) helps a little

With that said, it's time for me to relax and enjoy my current read! gamedayron (another AD shoutout!)
One more shoutout.... To my adopted little brother Ty - Happy (late) 16th Birthday bro - love ya!
Wow, That is way back in the day! thanks for the shout, i hope all's well in Shebo... over there. Well we havta catch up later. love ya sis.
Hey chica! Love the site. I hope you had a great week. ;) Love - Mel
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