Monday, August 11, 2008

Calling Boston

I by NO means intend this to scare anyone away, but I have been curious....

So I have this fun little feature on my blog where I can see who's checking things out. Well, not exactly who, but at least where they are from. And one of the places that shows up off and on is Boston, MA. Now I have an idea of who you are (Empire State Building and a crazy bus ride to NYC maybe?), and if it's you, I'd love to hear from you! It's been too long! But even if I'm totally wrong and it's not you, I'd love to know who you are too. The comment option is always open. Again, please know that I don't intend this to freak you out, and I won't get freaked out if/when I find out who you are, purely a curiousity/wanting to get back in touch thing.

Now the rest of the locations are all Kohler/Port Washington/Sheboygan, so I really have no idea who you are because I can't narrow it down, but you can feel free to leave me a note too!


Anonymous said...

Giving you a shout from Sheboygan and possibly some times Kohler!

Love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Girl!! OF COURSE it is me!!! (I have to say, I had no idea that you could tell the location of viewing... Maybe I should stop stalking you!) Congratulations on the baptism and the new job... We clearly have LOTS to catch up on. Do you have my email?? Drop me a line! XOXOXO