Green kitchen - I love it! My mom and I found the square art over the sink (that you can't see) today on our marathon shopping trip down in Schaumburg, and I LOVE it in this spot. I'm not sure that the picture does it justice, but it completely ties in the vases and fun colored plates above the cabinets.
Hallway to the bedrooms, just wanted a picture of the fun rug we got at Ikea today.
I'm definitely excited about the whole condo thing, and having a place of my own. But I'm having some mixed emotions about the whole doing it on my own part. I've prided myself on being on my own, and being able to handle things without help (i.e. a man!), and there are days where it's easy to remember that and be ok with it. And there are days where it's so hard. The days when I moved boxes in on my own, making 10 trips down to my car, without someone to help hold the door, or another set of hands to help carry the awkward stuff. Yesterday was one of those days. Today has been better, and I'm thankful that I can lay on my couch, watching trashy tv, having popcorn that I don't have to share!
Cool! It looks so good. I love the green with the blue in the kitchen. Everything looks so crisp.
It definitely looks like a good place for a movie and some popcorn you don't have to pass back and forth.
Without a doubt, I've never felt more alone than when I was working on my house. It's good that you can identify it and try to work around it. Enjoy your space and the pride you're taking in it!
Katrina if He has determined that you must go through, then He will bring you through. I know that you know that, but sometimes it is nice to hear it from someone else. I don't know what you are sticking it out through (besides the things you blog about which I won't list here), but I hear you. Email me anytime:
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