Saturday, April 11, 2009

A New Command

I've definitely been living a life of busy-ness the past few months. I've kept myself occupied with anything and everything. Most of it good stuff, but "stuff", nonetheless. I've been very good at filling my time, but not necessarily so good and filling my heart.

Holy Week crept up on me this year.

A few weeks ago I posted about the 40 days of water challenge. (Yes, I did it, with just over $100 headed to the Blood:Water Mission. And for those of you who are curious, my first non-water drink on Friday was none other than Diet Coke!) The whole challenge kind of coincided with Lent, but that wasn't really what I was doing it for. I really wasn't in the mindset of anticipating the remembrance and celebration of what Christ did some 2,000 years ago. I've heard other people talk about what they "gave up for Lent," and went on to question their faith in my head, almost chastising them for their sacrifice, but wondering how much of the other 325 day of the year they surrender things to Him. They're ugly, ugly thoughts on my part. I haven't really cared where their heart was, or what pain they were carrying around, or what brought them joy. I've just belittled their way of celebrating the Easter season. And what's uglier to me, is that I've hardly been celebrating it in any way myself.

On Thursday of this past week, at about 3:00 in the afternoon, I realized that my church was having a Maundy Thursday service at 6:00. It hit me that day that Easter was just 4 days away. I did a little schedule juggling and was able to make it to the service. I remembered going to a Maundy Thursday service a time or two before at the church I grew up in, and walked in thinking, yeah, it's the day we remember the "Last Supper." But on Thursday, I learned of another whole part to that last meal that I hadn't put together before. That same night, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, (check out the end of this post for a cool story on that!) and later said to them "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John13:34-35.


Love. That's it. That's how they'll know I love Him.

The word Maundy comes from the Latin translation for commandment. So really, this past Thursday we were to remember the new command that Jesus gave on the night before he died on the cross. Simply to love. Sound simple. But is really hard in practice. Lately, I've gotten so caught up in what's going on in my life, and with keeping myself busy, that I haven't loved anyone. Convicted - completely guilty.

Tonight, I remember what He did for me, dying on the cross, because He LOVES me.
Tomorrow, I'll celebrate how He conquered death for me, because He LOVES me.

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