Monday, November 17, 2008

Can you help a girl out?

I've been given the task/honor/job of hosting Thanksgiving Day appetizers next week (it's coming so fast!), mostly because the family that is coming to town wants to see my new place. Let's just say I have a lot to get done in the next 9 days (cleaning and unpacking in addition to a lot going on at work!), and I'm not much of a cook. Does anyone have any good/easy/ delicious/impressive recipes I could try??? Help me out if you have anything! If I get any recommendations, I promise there will be pictures and a story of the whole process - it should be entertaining! Thanks in advance!


Anonymous said...

I have a bunch that i can give you and a couple of pretty easy ones. Remember the one that we had at our christmas party last year that you helped me make? I suggest those for sure...I will send you some ideas later. :)

Miss you!

Anita J. said...

You should go to robinrane's blog and get some recipes from her. She's like a party queen or something.

If that fails, try My baby brother makes great stuff at every party and that's where he gets his recipes. You can sort them by their ratings, and only try the five star ones. :O) It even tells the prep times, etc.

Tracy said...

I forwarded a few recipes to your email. My favorite is the pumpkin dip. Good luck and enjoy!!